Pink Ribbon - Breast Cancer Awareness

Pink Ribbon - Breast Cancer Awareness

What is Pink Ribbon?
The Pink Ribbon campaign was created in 1992 by its founder Evelyn Lauder who lost her fight against breast cancer in 2011. Since then, Pink Ribbon is aimed at bringing the topic of breast cancer to the public. Donations are collected and used for cancer aid in several countries. 

October has been designated as breast cancer awareness month, whereby many events are hosted by various breast cancer awareness organisations across the globe for the entire month of October. Funds are raised for breast cancer support as well as raising awareness of the disease that affects so many women, and a smaller percentage of men. Breast Cancer UK has launched a campaign titled #DitchTheJunk that pledges to reduce your chemical load that is linked to reducing the exposure to harmful chemicals that may be linked to breast cancer. Statistics show that an alarming 1 in 8 British women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. 

The best protection is early detection. It is encouraged to perform a breast self-examinations at least once a month, which is best executed 3 - 5 days after your period starts. Being aware of the risks that may lead to breast cancer is of paramount importance. The following risk factors should be taken into account: 

  • smoking: the effects of smoking has been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer and can increase complications in breast cancer treatment. 
  • genetics: a percentage of breast cancers are thought to be caused by inheriting abnormal genes that are passed from parent to child. 
  • infections: every 5th cancer case can be led back to infection, which can be avoided in many instances. 

We should all follow a healthy lifestyle, consuming a high content of whole foods and exercising regularly. However, this alone cannot entirely prevent breast cancer from occurring. Unfortunately, breast cancer cannot be prevented. However, when detected at an early stage, it increases the prospects of being healed, and therapy is less strenuous on the body.