Gentle Care For Baby's Skin

The delicate skin of babies requires gentle care, therefore it is essential to ensure that the products used contain the minimum amount of components. These skincare products should be free from softeners, essential oils, mineral oils, preservatives, fragrances and colourants. Find more information relating to this topic here.


A baby's skin is best cleansed using warm water only. A newborn's skin is highly sensitive and requires time to develop. Bath additives or the like are not needed since they dehydrate the skin. Children who suffer from dry skin from the start can enjoy a few drops of baby oil in their bathwater. Alternatively, apply a mild, unscented lotion to your child's skin after a bath. We recommend the Baby & Kids Sensitive Lotion by lavera. It is suitable for the body and face, nourishing the skin with quality ingredients.

Once your baby's skin has developed more resistance against external influences, we recommend using the Weleda Calendula Body Wash and Shampoo. It cleanses gently and nourishes the skin with almond and sesame oils as well as calendula extract sourced from controlled organic farming.

Diaper Rash

Skin irritations most frequently occur in the diaper area because the skin rarely has a chance to breathe. This leads to redness and the formation of a diaper rash. These irritations can be prevented by changing diapers more frequently and thoroughly cleansing the area with water at every diaper change. Should irritation still occur, it is essential to give the skin the opportunity to breathe more regularly by removing the diaper. Care for the skin with a cream, such as Weleda's Calendula Nappy Cream. It nourishes the skin with active ingredients found in calendula and chamomile blossoms sourced from controlled organic farming. It also prevents diaper rash from occurring. Another great option is the PilogenBio Baby Zinc Oxide Paste, enriched with the best oils, vitamins and calendula blossoms. It forms a thin protective layer on the skin to protect it against moisture.

Sun Protection

Protecting baby's skin from the harsh effects of the sun is of paramount importance. The delicate skin is more susceptible to damage as many of the protective functions of the skin is yet to develop. Remember: the skin has a memory of its own. The younger a child is exposed to the harmful effects of the sun, the worse the outcome of sunburn. The risk of skin cancer thus increases exponentially.

It is recommended to use natural sunscreen with the highest possible sun protection factor (SPF 50+). Ensure that the sunblock is suitable for sensitive skin and does not contain any added perfumes and fragrances. Mineral protection against UVA, UVB and UVC rays must be covered and opt for a waterproof formulation.

Important: If you are unsure about which products are best for your little one, always consult a paediatrician first.